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Transfer Pricing for Commodity Entities - What type of trader is your company?
The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) recognises the diversity in the commodity marketing/trading (CMT) activities undertaken by CMT entities in Singapore and the wide-ranging values they could bring to their multinational enterprise (MNE) group.

WEBINAR: Managing Transfer Pricing During COVID-19
The COVID-19 crisis has provoked an unprecedented shift toward working from home (#WFH), and for businesses to implement tools and resources allowing employees to work from home and look after their customers as seamlessly as possible.

Final OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines on Financial Transactions, What are the key changes?
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released in February 2020 the final Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions (Guidance). With the Guidance in place, the OECD expects to see significant progress by multinationals in updating their existing transfer pricing policies on financial transactions to be in compliance with the Guidance.

The #TPSWay of Doing Business, how can companies benefit?
How do companies benefit from our business model? Why the #TPSWAY of doing business is different?

The #TPSWAY of Doing Business – What can we learn from COVID 19 crisis?
COVID 19 crisis provoked an unprecedented shift toward working from home (#WFH), and business is implementing tools and resources to allow the employees to work from home and look after their customers as seamless as possible.